The HAHS library includes a variety items dealing with local, regional, state & national culture/history that were donated by individuals, organizations & companies in and around the Hattiesburg area. Our holdings include:
- Books (for children and adults, fiction and non-fiction)
- Brochures
- Catalogs
- Directories (city & telephone)
- Educational & promotional materials
- Journals
- Legal documents
- Letters and memoes
- Magazines
- Manuals
- Memoirs
- Newspaper clippings
- Obituaries
- Oral histories
- Photographs
- Post cards
- Recordings
- School annuals
- Scrapbooks
- Surveys
Feel free to access the Author, Title and/or Subject links on this page; you may find an item of interest. All materials are available for viewing during regular visiting hours.
HAHS has also digitized many of its holdings (eg., photos, newspaper clippings). Computer access to the scanned database is available in the museum office.