The Hattiesburg Area Historical Society relies solely on the generosity of donors and the contributions of volunteers. The opportunities listed on this page are just a few of the many ways that you can make a difference as a Society volunteer.
Feel free to contact us if you'd like to join our efforts to preserve Hattiesburg's history and heritage. All inquiries are welcome.
- Computer-
- Scan photos and print material for electronic storage;
- Update files;
- Check files for duplicates;
- Update collection lists.
- Contributions-
- Make and/or encourage donations of relevant items;
- Assist in picking up donated items;
- Assist in documenting, displaying and storing donated items;
- Recruit new members and encourage current members to continue;
- Solicit financial donations.
- Exhibits-
- Check, clean, and/or repair permanent exhibits;
- Create temporary and/or special exhibits.
- Filing-
- File information in correct file or subject notebook;
- Check previously filed information;
- Create new subject notebooks.
- Housekeeping-
- Inspect displays for damage;
- Dust and clean rooms and displays;
- Check accuracy of information and photos on display.
- Newsletters-
- Suggest articles;
- Research articles;
- Write articles.
- Programs-
- Suggest program subjects;
- Write and/or present programs;
- Contact speakers;
- Provide publicity.
- Restoration-
- Repair and refinish antique furniture;
- Remove rust and repaint metallic objects;
- Rewire/repair electrical items.
- Sorting-
- Separate materials and artifacts in stored boxes;
- Label items with donor name and HAHS number;
- Place materials and artifacts in correct storage;
- Help move items to appropriate location.